eBay Integration Instructions


This document is targeted for customers who have selected eBay as their shopping cart option and outlines the steps necessary to allow EFS to collect order data from eBay and insert it into our fulfillment system.

EFS will pull completed auctions from eBay and create matching orders in the EFS Control Panel. After the order ships, tracking information will be sent to eBay and the auction marked as shipped. Multiple items sold to the same individual will be combined into a single EFS order as long as the auctions are pulled during the same import. The import happens twice a day at 6am EST and again at 11am EST.

During that import all auctions are imported as long as the auction is tagged as complete within eBay and there are no holds on the auction. eBay will always mark auctions as completed even if the seller has not received payment (unless payment is through PayPal). It will be the client’s sole responsibility to place holds on auctions or cancel orders that are not yet paid for; EFS is not responsible for shipping orders where payment is not received.

Only auctions from the previous 3 days are imported. Any auction that is not marked completed within that time frame will need to be manually imported.
Although the client is free to use their eBay account for other purposes, any mismatched SKUs will not import and result in error messages.


In order for EFS to know which item you want shipped with each auction you must associate a SKU with each auction. Currently the only way to do this is if you have a subscription to Seller Manager Pro (see eBay for pricing) or the free Seller Manager tools.  You must subscribe to these through your eBay account.

These 2 option use the Custom Label field to hold the SKU. Also, SKU n
umbers within eBay must be configured to exactly match the SKUs listed on the Inventory Control screen in the EFS Fulfillment Control Panel (FCP).
See the link below for additional information.





Custom Label field in Seller Manager





Custom Label field in Seller Manger Pro


Grant EFS access to your eBay account

The next step is for you to authorize EFS to get access to your closed auctions. To do this you will need your EFS Merchant ID. You can find this by going to Client Info > My Settings from within your FCP account. You will find this section towards the bottom of the page: 

Once you have your EFS Merchant ID you will then need to visit the following URL in your browser:

https://fcp.efulfillmentservice.com/integration/modules/ebay/index.php?clientID=XXXX (your MerchantID)

Note: eBay enforces a time limit on this authorization (typically around 18 months) when the time limit expires (and your orders stop pulling into the FCP) you will have to repeat this step and grant us access and let us know via the ticket system so we can update your integration to use the new authorization.

You will be redirected to eBay and where you will login and indicate that you want to allow our company's servers access to your ebay transaction data. Your login and password will remain hidden to us and at anytime you can login to eBay and disable our access. Once this is done submit a ticket via this support site and let us know, we will add the integration to your FCP account for you. Once this is done we will let you know and assist you with the final steps of configuring your ship method mappings between eBay and the FCP.


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  • 0
    Chad Christensen


    My name's Chad Christensen. I'm a new client of eFulfillment. I'm trying to get things set up with my eBay account to authorize EFS to get access my closed listings. You gave instructions to go to the following URL:

    https://fcp.efulfillmentservice.com/integration/modules/ebay/index.php?clientID= XXXX (your MerchantID)

    I enter the following URL (goldwing_owner is my eBay ID):


    I always get the following page:


    EFS eBay Authorization

    Starting authentication session with eBay. Please click the link below after it appears to be redirected to eBay and sign in giving EFS access to your eBay transaction data.

    invalid clientID


    What am I doing wrong?



  • 0
    Dev Team

    Hello Chad,

    I have updated the documentation above to reflect instructions on how to find your Merchant ID. 


    Let me know if you have any other questions.

    Edited by Dev Team
  • 0
    Ebele Okocha

    Hi, are these instructions up to date? How do we get the eBay Access Token?

  • 0
    Hansa Wickramanayake

    As informed by eBay chat support, the Seller Manager Pro subscription is not available anymore. All the features that were in the Seller Manager Pro subscription are now available for free in the Seller Hub.

    Can you please confirm if we are good with the Seller Hub.



  • 0
    mohd fariz

    Hai dev team can you assist me how to subscribe for ebay seller manager program since i see on eBay store there  is no option for seller manager program option    

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