Welcome to the Amazon Integration Guide from eFulfillment Service (EFS). This document is targeted for customers who have selected Amazon as their shopping cart option. Please follow the steps below to allow EFS to collect order data from Amazon and insert it into our fulfillment system.
Connecting EFS & Amazon
To begin the process of creating your Amazon integration, login to our Integration Portal, navigate to the Integrations tab, and click the blue “+ Add” button in the upper right:
Click on the Amazon option, which will bring you to the following form:
You should fill this form out with the following information:
Integration Name: Pick a one word name with only letters and numbers, no spaces or special characters, that will help you remember what store this integration is for.
WMS Target: Most clients will only have one WMS Connection, so this should be prefilled, but if you have more than one WMS Connection, select the WMS you would like this integration to send data to.
Order/Inventory Sync Schedules: Select the schedule from the dropdown at which you would like your orders and inventory to sync between your WMS and Amazon.
MWS Auth Token: This is a legacy field which you can ignore.
LWA Refresh Token Expiration: This field is no longer used and is scheduled to be removed.
Marketplace Region: Please select the Marketplace region your Amazon store covers. Note: you will need a separate integration for each region you service.
Fulfillment Latency: The Fulfillment Latency option allows you to set the fulfillment latency variable within your Amazon account. This variable is the time in number of days that it will take to fulfill (ship) your item. i.e. a value of 1 means that you are promising Amazon (and your customer) that an item purchased will have tracking uploaded to Amazon within 24 hours of the sale. EFS shipping policy states that orders normally ship within one business day of when we receive the order (not when the order was placed). To account for the time between when the order was placed, and when we receive the order, the minimum recommended value for this option is 2. However, if you want a 'set it and forget it' option 3 is the recommended value to account for any 3 day weekends or holidays that could cause delays in your order being shipped.
Note: This variable is updated on a SKU by SKU basis and ONLY when the inventory amount for that SKU is synced with Amazon. So not only will the change only take effect once a SKU has its inventory synced, but it will also not occur for any SKU which has not had any inventory changes since the last sync. If you need to make a change to this setting and immediately apply it to all of your SKUs, please contact your Client Care Representative and they can assist you.
Remote Fulfillment with FBA: If you have this feature, please select Yes, otherwise select no. Please make sure to choose the correct option as some functionality will fail if you choose poorly.
You will finally note some fields not mentioned above, which are the Marketplace ID, Merchant ID, LWA Refresh Token, and History. These fields are read-only, and will be entered by the OAuth handshake with Amazon.
Once you have finished filling out the fields, click the “Save Integration” button at the bottom of the form. Your integration will be saved, and you will immediately be directed to login at Amazon Seller Central with your Amazon login. Once you login, you will see the following message:
Check the checkbox, and then click Confirm, and you will be directed back to the Integration Portal where your new integration will be waiting with the final fields filled in for you:
Inventory Syncing (optional)
Please Note: The Amazon integration has no ability to pull product listings from an Amazon store.
Clients may note that the Refresh Cart Items feature for this integration type will not pull any cart items.. Because we cannot pull the cart items from Amazon in order for you to activate them for syncing, you will have to enter any SKU you wish to sync the inventory for as a custom item on the Cart Items page. You can do this by clicking the “+Add Custom Item” button, and then filling out the form that appears:
The Item Name can be whatever description you want that will help you remember the product, but the Item SKU must exactly match the product’s SKU as it is listed in Amazon, otherwise the inventory will not sync. Once you click “+Add,” the item will be added to your Cart Items, and you can activate it for syncing, or add a SKU Mapping. If you have a large number of custom items, reach out to your Client Care Representative for assistance.
Fulfilling New Orders
On a set time schedule (typically every thirty minutes) we send a request to Amazon, via the Amazon integration API, to get a listing of all orders that are ready to be shipped. For each order ready to be shipped we send an additional request to get the order details, then inject those orders into the Fulfillment Control Panel for processing. If everything is ok with the order, we then send a final request to Amazon to acknowledge that we received the order, and this will change the order status visible to your customer to “Processing”.
Tracking Updates to Amazon
Our integration will post back tracking information to your Amazon store throughout the day.
Configure Shipping Options
You will need to create shipping method mappings so that we ship your Amazon orders properly. For example, when we retrieve an order from Amazon the shipping method might be noted as “Standard” or “Express”. You will create options for each method. You’ll want to navigate to the Ship Maps section of your Amazon integration, and once there, click the “+ Add” button to bring up the ship map form:
These fields should be filled with the following information:
Cart Method: Here you will enter the incoming method sent by Amazon exactly as it appears in your Amazon portal. That way, when an order comes through with that shipping method, we know to apply the mapping.
WMS Shipping Code: Here you will select the shipping method from the FCP that matches how you would like us to ship the product. You can either select one of our rate shopping groups, or a specific service such as FedEx Ground or USPS Priority Mail.
Signature Required: You may optionally select that the ship method requires a signature from the recipient, if that service is available with the selected ship method.
Hold Orders: You may optionally select that orders with this cart method are held for a selectable amount of time for fraud screening.
Finally, click the “Save” button at the bottom, and your ship mapping will be created.