Our Volusion integration works by connecting to your shopping cart at scheduled intervals to perform tasks related to orders and inventory.
Fulfilling New Orders
Each time we connect to Volusion to retrieve new orders we are requesting only orders that match a certain order status. Orders matching your chosen status are retrieved by our integration module which attempts to inject each order into your Fulfillment Control Panel account for processing.
Note: Any order matching your chosen status will be retrieved, regardless of how old the order is.
Tracking Updates to Volusion
At the end of each day our integration module will send tracking numbers back to Volusion, for orders shipped that day, and update the order status to "Shipped".
Inventory Syncing (optional)
Our integration module can update the stock counts of your Volusion products with the available warehouse quantity.
Note: Product SKUs in Volusion must match the product SKUs available in your Fulfillment Control Panel account in order to sync inventory.
Connecting EFS & Volusion
API Access is required to connect to your Volusion store. You must have a "Pro" level (or higher) account with Volusion for this to be available.
Step 1: Obtain API Credentials
Log into your Volusion account Dashboard and choose Volusion API from the Inventory menu.
Under the "Generic" section click the "Run" button next to Generic\Orders.
This will bring up the Run Generic/Orders page below:
The column selection should look like the above; the star being checked allows for all fields to be sent via API. Click the purple “Run” button at the top right. A "Download" button will appear below the "Run" button and to the right of that a URL which is partially hidden, but looks like this:\Orders
You can see this in the following image:
You will need to deconstruct this URL for the next step. It can be broken up at the ? and the & symbols as follows:
The API URL, Login, and EncryptedPassword can be plugged into your EFS Integration settings in the next step.
Step 2: Setting Up Your EFS Integration
Once you have the necessary information from your Volusion store, you are ready to create your new Volusion integration in our Integration Portal. Login to the Integration Portal, and on the integrations tab, you will see a blue button labeled “+ Add:”
This will give you a list of available integration platforms, from which you should select Volusion. This will lead you to a screen where you can configure your Volusion integration’s settings:
The values you will need to input into the fields on the screen are as follows:
Integration Name
Simply pick a recognizable name for the integration that is one word which may have letters or numbers, but no spaces or special characters.
WMS Target
The WMS Connection of the WMS that orders from this integration will be sent to.
Order Sync Schedule/Inventory Sync Schedule
The schedule at which you want the integration portal to pull orders from your cart or push inventory changes to your cart.
The login will be the login email address you acquired in the API credentials, which is also your Volusion account login email.
The password is the EncryptedPassword you obtained in step 2.
Note: Volusion generates the EncryptedPassword based on your account password. When you change your Volusion password the integration will be broken until you update the settings with your new EncryptedPassword.
The API URL should be entered exactly as it appears in the previous step, in this format:
The status is the status of orders we will retrieve from your Volusion store. It is most common to use “Ready to Ship” for this status, however any status will work.
Volusion Multi Store ID
If you have multiple Volusion stores, you can set each integration to add a custom prefix to each order number as it reaches our system. This will allow us to process orders which have the same order number in separate Volusion stores.
Save Your Integration
Once you have filled in all the fields above, you can then click the blue “Save Integration” button at the bottom of the page in order to complete your integration setup. This should bring you back to the main integration tab where you will see your new integration:
At this point, you can refresh your cart items to confirm that the integration has been setup successfully, and if so, your items from the Volusion store should load. Once this has been completed, you can setup any SKU or Ship mappings you require for your integration, and then you can turn on your integration by switching the order and inventory sync toggles.