FCP Quick Reference Guide - Settings / Adding Product


Welcome to the EFS Fulfillment Control Panel Features Guide. This document includes quick demonstrations of special features and highlights of the FCP to help you understand how to use the system better. Refer to the FCP User Guide for more details on these features.

Logging In

You can access the Fulfillment Control Panel (FCP) 24 hours a day from any computer with an internet connection.


Access the EFS Fulfillment Control Panel login page by clicking the Customer Login button on the eFulfillment Service home page.  





Log In

Enter your EFS supplied username and password to begin using the system


Configuring your Basic Settings

When you get started with eFulfillment Service, you use the Fulfillment Control Panel to configure basic settings that apply to all of your orders.  This includes setting automatic ship confirmation emails sent to you and/or your customers and other basic settings, like resetting your password  and setting specific packing and return instructions.


From the Client Info menu, select the My Settings menu item.


Ship Confirmation

Select your email preference from the Status field. Then enter the From Address email that you want your buyers to see. Finally, enter the email address to which you want a copy sent.

Type any custom text you would like included in your ship  confirmation emails.  Click the Update Ship Confirmation Info button to save your changes.

Add Products

SKU numbers (Stock Keeping Unit) identify your unique products stored in the eFulfillment Service facility. Enter the SKU number for each product  in the Control Panel. SKU numbers must be entered before EFS receives your shipments of merchandise so that we can match your items to the  inventory list.


From the Client Info menu, select the View Inventory menu item.


Add a Product

On the products list screen, click the Add a product link. The SKU entry form will appear.


Enter SKU Data

Enter the product information in the fields provided. Click the Add Product button to save when finished.


Note:  The product item number must exactly match the SKU number in the EFS Control Panel

View Product

The product list appears again with the new product.fcp_inventory_newadd.png

Have more questions? Submit a request


  • 0
    Ron Arnone

    We see you, but you don't see us. How can we add our photo to the support tickets?



  • 0
    Dev Team

    Good Question Ron! We would love to see everyone's face!

    All the details on how to manage your profile / account on our ticket system can be found in our End User Guide on our forums.

    For your convience I have included the relavent info below.

    Updating your user profile

    When you register, a user account is created for you. Your account initially contains your name and email address. You can change your name and the email address you use for support requests by editing your user profile. You can also add a photo, add or change your phone number, and select your time zone.

    How to update your user profile

    1. Log in to the help desk and select Profile (located above the menu bar).
    2. Your user summary page is displayed, which contains a list of all your support requests. For more information about this page, see Viewing all of your requests in your user profile.
    3. To edit your account, click Edit.
    4. On the Basic Info tab, you can update your name, add a profile photo, add your phone number, and select your time zone. 
    5. When you're done, click Update.


  • 0

    Is there a way to delete a SKU?

  • 0
    Dev Team

    Jeff currently there is no way for you to delete a SKU.  One of our Client Services Reps will have to do that for you.  Just submit a ticket with the relevant info and they will take care of it for you.

  • 0
    Rajni Mehra

    How to register with FCP   -- https://fcp.efulfillmentservice.com. From where will i get login details. There is no new user registration on http://www.efulfillmentservice.com/

  • 0
    Dev Team

    Hello Rajni,


    Your Client Account Rep will email you the FCP login details with your initial Welcome email that is sent out once you sign up with us.  If you haven't received that yet then just submit a Support Ticket and your rep will send it again ASAP.


  • 0

    I have loaded my products but I'm not sure how to arrange the inbound shipment. Please advise

  • 0
    Dev Team

    Hello Zohra,

    Sounds good! I see that you also created a ticket with your account rep. They will be contacting you directly with more detailed information. However, you can also check out the Getting Started Guide located here. Steps 4 and 5 will get you started.

  • 0

    OK so my inbound cases have the same UPC bar code on the outer case as the jar inside the case. Rather than creating a different UPC code for the outer case, can i just create a different SKU? example:

    option 1. create a sku for 6-pack MUSTARD called HNZCM-6pack, UPC (blank) AND a separate sku for single jar mustard called HNZCM-1 jar, UPC 854416003106 

    or would I need to create a separate UPC for the case-pack?

    You guys will need to relabel the outer case as it comes in to show the SKU HNZCM-6pack and the inner jar will just physically show the bar code. Will that work?


    If you pull by the sku (and the 6-pack case will have a sku like  than the jar sku), and the only place UPC shows up is physicaly on the jar, then we're okay right?

    You would have to relabel the outer case to show that SKU


  • 0
    Dev Team

    Hello herbnzest,


    In order to answer your question accurately we are going to need some more information about the sku's and how you are selling them on your site.  I would suggest that this be handled directly with account rep so that they can get specifics from you and advise you on the best way to label you products.

  • -1

    how to add products?

    i added sku whatever i have in my amazon still it keeps giving me error"The SKU does not match any SKU on record in the Fulfillment Control Panel for this merchant."

  • 0
    Dev Team


    It appears that your Account Rep has already responded to your support ticket.  I will let her handle it from there. For your reference though the SKU in your shopping cart must match the SKU in your FCP account EXACTLY.  In a lot of cases what we see is that on one side or the other a space was included at the beginning or ending of the SKU. A lot of times this happens when you cut and paste the SKU from your cart to the FCP. That is the first place I would check.

  • 0
    Liz Hanson

    Does the declared value appear anywhere on customer packing slips? 

  • 0
    Steve Anderson

    Dear Dev Team.  

    I want to know about few proprepandfulfillment services. What did you charge for goods and home appliances shifting to other cities? Whats your method to charge someone for service? Like distance or time or weight what kind of service you can provide me for my home and office goods...?

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