These instructions will show you how to configure your Fulfillment Control Panel and 3D Cart accounts to sync orders and inventory levels.
Enable the 3D Cart API
From your 3D Cart admin area choose the Module section then find the module for SOAP API.
Note: if you don't see a "SOAP API" option then you will have to contact 3Dcart support to install the SOAP API module into your cart.
Hit the Plus sign and then Change Settings.
Make sure "Enable API" is checked and an API User Key is listed. You'll need the user key to set up the integration in your Fulfillment Control Panel account.
NOTE: Do not click the "Generate New Key" button unless you know it won't affect any other API integrations you have in place.
You may need to select an Admin user to be associated with the API.
Make sure to click the "Save" button when finished.
Set up eFulfillment as a Distributor (optional)
If EFS isn't your only distributor, then you will most likely create a distributor account for eFulfillment that denotes products shipped from our location. If EFS is your only distributor then this step can be skipped.
From your 3D Cart admin area choose Settings->General->Distributors.
We recommend using "EFS" for the Company Name as you will need this for your integration settings.
Once you have added and saved the new distributor, click the "Edit" button so that we can retrieve the Distributor ID from the URL:
This ID will be needed in the integration settings of your Fulfillment Control Panel account.
You will also need your store URL in the format "".
Fulfillment Control Panel Settings
Once you have obtained your API User Key, Distributor Name & ID (optional), and Store URL you will need to enter them into your Fulfillment Control Panel account. Choose Add Integration from the Integration menu.
Select 3DCart from the list of available platforms and click the “Add new Integration” button.
Enter your store URL without the "https://" and enter your API User Key in the "Access Token" field exactly as it appears in your 3D Cart account, with no spaces.
Next you will enter the orders status for orders that should be fulfilled, as well as the status to set once an order has been shipped. You will also enter the Distributor Name, Distributor ID, and "Order Age".
In 3D Cart you can find your order statuses in the orders area by choosing Orders>Manage Orders> then Edit Order Status in the top right corner.
Order Status should match the status of orders you would like fulfilled. Each time we connect to 3D Cart to retrieve new orders we will only see orders matching this status within the number days you set as "Order Age".
Shipped Status is the optional status we will update your orders with when adding a tracking number. Set this to the number zero (0) if you would like us NOT to change the order status when we add tracking numbers.
Distributor ID is the ID number that you recorded in step "Set up eFulfillment as a Distributor (optional)". If EFS is your only Distributor and you skipped that step enter '0' into this field.
Order Age represents the number of days of history we should use when matching your Order Status. For example, set this to 10 and we will only retrieve orders within the last 10 days.
The next set of options determines the intervals at which we check for new orders and, optionally, send available inventory counts back to 3D Cart (please see the Optional Features section for more information on inventory syncing).
The most common scenario is to check for new orders every 30 minutes and sync inventory twice per day.
If you have more than one 3D Cart store you may assign a “nickname” to each store to better identify options and settings for each one.
Click the “Add new Integration” button to finalize the integration settings. You should see a success message at the top of your screen.
To verify that we can connect to your 3D Cart store choose View Integrations from the Integration menu. For each integration you have configured you will see a set of options displayed as colored icons. Click the “suitcase” icon to view the items in your 3D Cart store.
You should see a searchable list of products from your 3D Cart store. The list will indicate if the product SKU matches a SKU in our system. If you see an error message instead of a list of products, it is likely that your Store URL, API User Key, or one of the other integration options has been entered incorrectly. Please verify these settings and try again.
Shipment & Tracking Updates
Approximately every 4 hours we will send tracking numbers back to 3D Cart, for orders shipped that day.
Shipping Methods
When we retrieve your orders from 3D Cart the shipping methods are shown as strings of text such as “Free Shipping” or “USPS International Express” or “Federal Express Ground”. This text needs to be translated to our internal codes by setting up mappings within the integration configuration.
From your Fulfillment Control Panel account choose View Integrations from the Integration menu and then click the “envelope” icon to view existing shipping mappings.
Carefully type or “copy and paste” the exact text of your shipping method options from 3D Cart into the Cart Shipping Method field, then choose from the list of available shipping methods. Next, click the “Add Mapping” button, and then click the link in the success message to refresh the list (you will need to do this before you can add another method).
Optional Features
We also have a feature which will synchronize the available inventory counts from our warehouse back to your 3D Cart store. This is useful if you don't want to sell products that are out of stock (For detailed information on our View Items page see our standalone guide).
With 3D Cart things can get a little complicated if you sell items with options such as "Size" and "Color". However, if you are selling individual products with single product SKUs or ID's it's much simpler.
The following screenshot shows the "View Items" page for a 3D Cart integration in the Fulfillment Control Panel.
The Cart SKU column shows us the product SKUs as we see them in 3D Cart.
We can see two different products. "WIDGET" is a single SKU product that already matches a SKU in the Fulfillment Control Panel. To enable syncing of available inventory for "WIDGET" we simply need to click the green "play" button in the Options section. This will activate the product for syncing. Once that is completed the Status will show as "ACTIVE".
In the case of the "SHIRT" product, we have multiple sizes and colors available. Unfortunately, these option SKUs will not automatically show up in this list for syncing.
In our 3D Cart admin area if we edit the "SHIRT" product, then click the "Actions" dropdown button in the top right corner, we can see the option SKUs under the Code column:
You can see we are selling small and large shirts in red or blue. The complete SKUs are SHIRT-SM-RD, SHIRT-SM-BL, SHIRT-LG-RD, and SHIRT-LG-BL.
To sync inventory for these SKUs we need to add them as "custom items". In the previous screenshot you'll see a link above the items list for "Add Custom Item". Click the link and enter the SKU in the "Name" field then click the "Add Custom Item" button.
Return to the "View Items" page and you will see the option SKU is now in the list. Status will show "NO MATCH IN CART", but as long as you have entered the SKU properly it will sync available quantity at the next scheduled sync interval. There is no need to "activate" these custom SKUs with the green "play" button.
If you have a large number of option SKUs that need to be added for syncing we can import them for you as long as a spreadsheet can be provided.