Our GeekSeller integration works by connecting to your shopping cart at scheduled intervals to perform tasks related to orders and inventory.
Connecting EFS & GeekSeller
Once you have obtained your GeekSeller username and password you will need to enter them into your Fulfillment Control Panel account. Choose Add Integration from the Integration menu.
Choose "GeekSeller" from the dropdown
Enter your GeeksSeller username and password in their respective boxes (shown below).
The Markets to Ignore option allows you to specify markets that you do not want orders fulfilled from using a comma delimited list (example: walmart,amazon,ebay). When we check for new orders, we will ignore any that come from markets specified in the list. This field is empty by default, meaning orders will be pulled from all markets.
The next set of options determines the intervals at which we check for new orders and, optionally, send available inventory counts back to the cart.
The most common scenario is to check for new orders every 30 minutes and sync inventory twice per day.
If you have more than one GeekSeller store you may assign a “nickname” to each store to better identify options and settings for each one.
Click the “Add new Integration” button to finalize the integration settings. You should see a success message at the top of your screen.
To verify that we can connect to your GeekSeller store choose View Integrations from the Integration menu. For each integration you have configured you will see a set of options displayed as colored icons. Click the “suitcase” icon to view the items in your GeekSeller account.
Once you have created custom custom items in the EFS fulfillment control panel you should see a searchable list of products listed in your GeekSeller store.
The list will always say that there is "No Match In Cart", but will indicate whether the sku matches an EFS SKU or not.
(note: This list will initially be blank when the integration is created in the control panel.)
If you do not see a list of products and, instead, see an error message it is likely that your GeekSeller username and password are incorrect.
Shipping Methods
From your Fulfillment Control Panel account choose View Integrations from the Integration menu and then click the “envelope” icon to view existing shipping mappings.
Carefully type or “copy and paste” the exact text of your shipping method options from GeekSeller into the Cart Shipping Method field, then choose from the list of available shipping methods. Next, click the “Add Mapping” button, and then click the link in the success message to refresh the list (you will need to do this before you can add another method).
Note: For a complete list of shipping methods available please see this article.
Tracking Updates to GeekSeller
At the end of each day our integration system will send back tracking numbers for any orders that were processed that day.